What Is Microneedling?

After a numbing cream is applied, the microneedling person will move a pen-shaped or rolling tool with needles over your face. This creates tiny injuries, triggering the body to send collagen. House of Aesthetix reduces wrinkles, heals stretch marks and scars, and tightens skin.

It can take multiple sessions to see results, and the skin will need time to heal. However, the risks are minimal.


Being pricked by needles sounds like a scary thing to do, but it’s quite safe. Microneedling is a minimally invasive therapeutic technique that uses a pen-like device with very fine, sterilized needles to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin. This can reduce scars, fine lines, and wrinkles and help promote hair growth in men and women. The needles penetrate the epidermis’s top layer but don’t reach the deeper layers where the collagen and elastin live. The skin’s natural reaction to these tiny punctures is to produce more healing substances, resulting in plump, more youthful-looking skin.

Before the treatment begins, a topical numbing cream is applied to the skin. Work takes about 30 minutes, and the discomfort is similar to a sunburn. Once the numbing cream has done its job, the microneedling procedure is started with a dermaroller. The tool is rolled over the entire face or affected area, and the needles are placed down into the top layer of skin (the epidermis). The needles vary in length from 0.25 to 2.5 millimeters.

The doctor can target specific areas of the skin that need repair, such as acne scars, large pores, brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Microneedling can also treat rosacea, stretch marks, and cellulite. It’s important to note that this technique isn’t effective for people with skin conditions that prevent proper healing, such as psoriasis or eczema. It’s also not recommended for pregnant women or people who have active herpes lesions or active infections on the skin in the area being treated.

Another cool thing that can happen due to microneedling is the liberation and elimination of blackheads (and whiteheads, usually less severe). During the procedure, the controlled trauma and thousands of needle pokes break up and dislodge these small plugs that often get trapped in the pores. This results in a smoother appearance of the skin and also helps clear up acne breakouts faster. The benefits of this amazing technology are undeniable. Still, it’s important to discuss your personal goals with a dermatologist before getting the treatment so that they can determine whether it is a good fit for you.

Although it might sound scary to stick needles into your face, microneedling is a safe treatment. When you visit an experienced, certified esthetician, they will apply numbing cream beforehand to minimize pain. They will also ensure the equipment is properly sterilized and cleaned before treating your skin.

During the microneedling process, the needles penetrate your skin’s outer layer and trigger the body to create more collagen in that area. The wounds the needles create are very shallow and won’t result in bruising or bleeding. The procedure is not recommended for people with inflammatory conditions like rosacea, active acne, or eczema because it can cause flare-ups. However, you can discuss your options with your dermatologist if you have these conditions.

Another benefit of microneedling is that it can reverse sun damage and discoloration. This is because it encourages the production of collagen, which can help to even out your skin tone. It’s also an excellent option if you have large pores because it will make them appear smaller.

In addition to improving your skin’s texture and color, microneedling can help smooth fine lines and wrinkles. It also effectively reduces the appearance of scars, especially those that have a pocking or tenting effect. However, it only works well on larger scars that are too deep for this technique.

Microneedling can also stimulate hair growth by encouraging the production of new, healthy follicular cells. This is an ideal treatment for anyone with thinning or balding areas of the scalp because it can provide dramatic results in a few months.

Microneedling can also help to reduce acne breakouts by eliminating bacteria-infested skin cells. The treatment also opens pathways for medications and skin care products to be absorbed more effectively, which can help prevent future breakouts. As with any cosmetic procedure, microneedling requires a series of treatments to achieve the best results. Ask your medical practitioner how many sessions they recommend based on your skin type and goals.

The small wounds created by microneedling stimulate your body to produce more collagen, the protein that keeps skin firm and tight. As the process continues, your skin looks more radiant and younger. Microneedling can treat several conditions, including acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, pore size reduction, and uneven skin tone and texture.

It also helps reduce sun damage, particularly blotchy brown skin caused by too much time in the sun. The treatment can also help reduce the appearance of age spots, melasma, and freckles. The treatment is less effective than dermaplaning for exfoliation, but it can make your skin look smooth and refreshed.

Despite its scary name, microneedling is a very safe procedure when performed by a qualified dermatologist or nurse who understands how to use it correctly. However, it can lead to serious injury or infection when used incorrectly. People should avoid DIY devices or seek out non-medical spas that offer the treatment if they are worried about it being unsafe.

Microneedling is very effective in reducing the appearance of acne scars. The tiny holes the needles create stimulate your body to produce new skin tissue that can hide scars and reduce their severity. In addition, the technique can help remove excess sebum that contributes to oily skin.

It’s also a great treatment for wrinkles and fine lines, as the collagen generated by the skin’s healing response can improve the appearance of these problems. The treatment can even help increase the skin’s elasticity, which tends to loosen as you age.

Microneedling is a very effective treatment for many skin conditions, but it’s important to note that you may need multiple treatments before seeing results. If you want to try it, contact us at Dermasurge today to schedule a consultation. We’ll happily answer any questions and determine if the treatment is right for you!

You may not realize it, but microneedling is one of the most affordable treatments for skin care. It’s a form of skin rejuvenation that uses tiny, sterile needles to stimulate collagen and help repair damaged tissue. It’s a minimally invasive treatment, and the esthetician will use numbing cream to reduce your risk of pain. However, it is not a completely painless process, and the tiny pricks can sometimes feel slightly uncomfortable.

The best thing about microneedling is that it’s a great option for many skin concerns. It can help you eliminate fine lines and wrinkles by encouraging your body to produce more collagen and elastin, which gives your skin its strength and youthful appearance. It can also reduce hyperpigmentation and age spots that occur from sun damage and effectively reduce the look of scars. Finally, it can also help with sagging skin, making it look more youthful and radiant.

However, remember that results aren’t permanent, and you’ll likely need to return for regular maintenance treatments. That’s why choosing a dermatologist or aesthetician with extensive procedure experience and who can provide quality results is important. You’ll also want to ensure they sterilize their equipment before and after every session.

In addition to being an affordable skin-improvement treatment, microneedling is safe for most healthy people. However, pregnant women are discouraged from undergoing it, and you should talk to a medical professional first if you have any active health conditions or are taking medication, such as blood thinners.